Thursday, December 18, 2008

Going Gluten Free?

If yesterday's post sounded close to home, it may be a good idea to consult with the Registered Dietitian's at EB Nutrition to discuss a gluten sensitivity. Trying a gluten free diet can be difficult if you are not sure which foods to avoid and where to look for gluten. There are traces of gluten in most foods, even if the food does not contain any wheat, rye, or barley. Oats, for example, are often processed in the same plants as the above grains, thus causing inflammation after ingestion. Gluten can be found in trace amounts in anything from postage stamp paste to chocolate chips.

Although the incidence of gluten intolerance and Celiac's has not increased, the number of people being diagnosed has risen. Thus, the number of gluten-free products and wonderful gluen substitutes and recipes have multiplied. Try these bars for some home-made goodness and a gluten free snack: Yum!

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