Thursday, January 13, 2011

Inside the Mind of a Successful Dieter

An interesting new study shows that the right frame of mind is key to losing, and keeping, weight off. O Magazine summarized the research in their 2010 issue. Basically, by reprogramming your focal brain quadrant, you are more likely to be successful, and remain successful, at weight loss. Quadrant B participants lost, and were able to keep off, the most weight.
  • "A" quadrant (upper left): People who favor this area are analytical, mathematical, logical problem solvers. Drawn to statistics and the workings of machinery, they can overanalyze a situation so much, they have trouble taking action.
  • "B" quadrant (lower left): These people are controlled, methodical, disciplined, sticklers for structure and routine. Punctual and neat, they always have a plan, timetable, and calendar with appointments penciled in.
  • "C" quadrant (lower right): Lower-right thinkers are emotional, spiritual, and focused on people and human connection.
  • "D" quadrant (upper right): "D" types are strongly visual and easily bored, attracted to new ideas, fun, and risk taking.
Study participants who had "found a coach, mentor, or guide for the journey, had pulled back and separated somewhat from his or her old environment, and then was 'reborn' into a different way of life" were the most successful. "The newly thin person became a leader rather than a follower, a change that opened the door to further goals and achievements, often in fields completely unrelated to weight loss." This is where your dietitian comes in - we are your coaches, your motivators, and can help reprogram your mind frame. Successful subjects also had another common element - they all incorporated a meditative, or stress reliever, element into their lives that helped them reform from old behavior. This research backs up the mind-body work that EB Nutrition also does with our clients. Click through to the O article to read specific examples for reprogramming each quadrant.

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