Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Good Nutrition to Fight Mesothelioma Cancer

Richard Moyle, National Awareness Coordinator of the Mesothelioma Center, contributed today's post.

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that develops in the mesothelial cells that make up the lining of the lungs, heart and abdomen. Though a few other causes of mesothelioma have been discovered, the primary cause is exposure to asbestos. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was used in a number of military and industrial applications throughout the 20th century. Symptoms do not usually become noticeable until about 20 to 50 years after primary exposure and the cancer is typically diagnosed in later stages when treatment options are more limited.

Even though mesothelioma is not a cancer that can be prevented by better nutrition, a healthier and more balanced diet can be very beneficial to mesothelioma patients. Better eating can not only improve chances of survival, but also help alleviate painful disease symptoms and unwanted treatment side effects.

One of the most common side effects of mesothelioma treatment is nausea. There are a number of dietary changes you can make to help this problem. Dry grain products like crackers and toast can help calm an upset stomach. Bland foods will also help with nausea, as well as acid reflux problems.

Dark green leafy vegetables are filled with essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that provide important cancer-fighting benefits. Along with antioxidants that fight cancer-causing free radicals, dark leafy greens contain phytochemicals, powerful anti-cancer enzymes that help cleanse the body of carcinogens and block the activity of enzymes that are known to activate carcinogens.

There are also many delicious types of berries you can incorporate into your diet to benefit from the cancer-fighting nutrients they contain, including blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, loganberries, cranberries. Berries contain a number of cancer-fighting phytonutrients like anthocyanins, ellagic acid, pterostilbene and resveratrol. In one study, extracts of six types of berries were tested for their ability to prevent the growth and spread of different types of cancer cells. Amazingly, each different type of berry was found to have an entirely unique combination of phytonutrients, and all six varieties of berry extract were able to kill cancer cells in the laboratory.

Garlic can also be beneficial for mesothelioma patients as it produces a chemical called allicin. Garlic appears to have the greatest affect on stomach cancer and prostate cancer in men, but affects have been noted in all types of cancer and on different carcinogens. Animal trials have been performed with positive effects. In one such study, a number of mice with cancer were injected with allicin. The control group (those not injected with the compound) lived an average of two months, while those receiving the injection lived an average of six months or longer.

Cancer is a complex medical condition, with many factors playing various roles in development and treatment. However, most patients will undoubtedly benefit from a better diet in a number of ways.

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